Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my friends in Spiderland. I hope the weather in the US improves, I don't suppose it's too good for either spiders or people!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nearly Christmas again, how quickly the year has flown. Another new page on the spiders photos page of some great tattoos that one of my viewers sent it. Great to see someone so keen on spiders that they would create this great body art specifically for spiders!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sad to hear about Michael Jackson, we grew up listening to his music which was among the greatest and most innovative of any time. It's always sad when a legend dies!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Check out the new page

I've been busy the last few days creating a new page which is essentially a quick reference guide to spider's bites, symptoms and treatment. I've done a lot of research to find the most accurate information so please bookmark the site for futre reference. It also shows quite clearly how there are really very few spiders that are really dangerous. I couldn't cover all 30 000 species of spiders but have done the ones that people send in to me the most often. I hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy New Year - 0r is it?

A bit late but a Happy New Year to all. The way the economy is shaping up though, it may not be all that happy a one!! Also congratulations to America's new president - Barack Obama. As an Aussie it is interesting to follow the politics of our largest ally, the USA, and it is great to see so many people happy to finally have a black man as president. I hope he can deliver, as with the way the world is today, we certainly need some help!! The spiderz pages have even been quiet - because of the extreme cold in the USA but also because of the election, inauguration and I think to some extent - the recession/depression!! Let's make our New Year resolution to do all we can to help each other and get through the tough times ahead!!