Friday, May 1, 2009

Check out the new page

I've been busy the last few days creating a new page which is essentially a quick reference guide to spider's bites, symptoms and treatment. I've done a lot of research to find the most accurate information so please bookmark the site for futre reference. It also shows quite clearly how there are really very few spiders that are really dangerous. I couldn't cover all 30 000 species of spiders but have done the ones that people send in to me the most often. I hope you enjoy it.


Gabe W. Beasley said...

Hey, my name is Gabe Beasley. I have a large blogspot called Mostly Macros. I came accross your website and thought I might be able to make some connections. You have a great site. Please come and checkout my spider-filled G-rated website and send me an e-mail if your interested in swaping links and info. I would like to learn more about how I can get involved with spiders and photography as much as I can. I could not figure out how to send you an e-mail so I hope you find this. I've been studying spiders on my own by myself from Hawaii to Oregon for the past 20 years.

Gabe and Alina Beasley
Mostly Macros photography

Gabe W. Beasley said...

Hey, my name is Gabe Beasley. I have a large blogspot called Mostly Macros. I came accross your website and thought I might be able to make some connections. You have a great site. Please come and checkout my spider-filled G-rated website and send me an e-mail if your interested in swaping links and info. I would like to learn more about how I can get involved with spiders and photography as much as I can. I could not figure out how to send you an e-mail so I hope you find this. I've been studying spiders on my own by myself from Hawaii to Oregon for the past 20 years.

I was unable to figure out my "email sever information" stuff. I photograph spiders but I'm still not very good with internet. You can get to my site by searching "Mostly macros" in Google or yahoo or nearly any search engine.


Gabe and Alina Beasley
Mostly Macros photography

Spiderzrule said...

Welcome Gabe, I've published your comment and I'll have a look at your site. My email is at the bottome of the menu on and if you would care to send in any photos I would be happy to add them to my site.